KNEC: 2024 School-Based Assessments for Grades 7 and 8

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has released details on the administration of the 2024 School-Based Assessments (SBA) for Grades 7, 8, and the Prevocational Level.

This move is part of KNEC’s ongoing commitment to transforming lives through quality assessment and credible certification.

Assessment Tool Uploads

KNEC will make the SBA tools for the Age-Based Pathway (Grades 7 and 8) and the Stage-Based Pathway (Prevocational Level) available on its CBA portal. Headteachers are required to log in to the CBA Portal to access these tools. Schools experiencing password issues should contact their respective Sub-County Director of Education for assistance.

Administration and Scoring

Schools must administer the assessments, score them, and upload the outcomes to the CBA portal within the specified timeframe. The SBA tools for Grades 7 and 8 will be available in both PDF and digital formats.

Accessing SBA Tools PDF Format:

  • Schools will log in with their credentials to access and download the PDF tools.
  • These tools can be presented in print, projected on a screen, or written on a board.
  • Learners can respond on the question paper or other provided materials.

Digital Format:

  • Learners will log in using their assessment numbers to access the tools on digital devices like the Digital Learning Programme (DLP) tablets.
  • Responses will be written on materials provided by the school.

Display and Accessibility

The different formats will be displayed on the CBA portal dashboard using separate buttons. Schools are encouraged to allow learners direct access to the tools using digital devices to minimize printing costs. If direct access is problematic, the PDF format can be utilized.

Prevocational Level Tools

SBA tools for the Prevocational Level will be provided in PDF format for teachers to administer.

Performance-Based Assessment

Teachers will assess and score learners’ performance-based tasks according to the provided guidelines.

User Manual and Color Printing

A detailed user manual is available on the CBA portal, outlining how to access tools, score guidelines, and upload scores. It is recommended that assessment tools featuring color images be printed in color or loaded onto digital devices. Schools with inadequate digital devices can conduct assessments in shifts.

Record Keeping and Materials

Headteachers must maintain all assessment records and evidence. Required materials should be sourced from the school environment or improvised when necessary.

In Our Other News:

Assessment Schedule

The SBA tools will be available as per the following schedule:

GradeSubjectAccess DateLast Date to
Upload Scores
Grade 7Agriculture & Nutrition2nd May 202431st July 2024
Creative Arts and Sports1st July 202431st July 2024
Integrated Science
Grade 8Agriculture & Nutrition2nd May
31st July 2024
Creative Arts and Sports1st July
31st July 2024
Social Studies
Integrated Science
Grade 7Mathematics,
Kenyan Sign Language,
Social Studies,
Integrated Science,
Creative Arts and Sports,
Pre-Technical Studies
24th October 2024
Grade 8Mathematics,
Kenyan Sign Language,
Integrated Science,
Creative Arts and Sports,
Pre-Technical Studies
30th September
24th October 2024
Communication and Literacy Skills,
Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE),
Daily Living Skills,
Environmental Activities,
Hygiene Nutrition and Safety,
Mathematical Activities,
Music and Movement,
Physical and Health Education,
Pre-Vocational Skills,
Social Studies
30th September
24th October 2024
KNEC: 2024 School-Based Assessments for Grades 7 and 8

This article is intended to help educational institutions prepare and plan adequately for the upcoming assessments.


1 Comment

  1. Jentrix makokha on

    Other learning areas they have indicated when it will be available what about social studies, integrated science,cre and ire?

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